Thursday, February 17, 2011

The meaning of 2 under 2

I talked to other moms and I read what I could, but nothing prepared me for life with 2 under 2. It may be that my experiences are no different than any other mother of two. I decided to try and record some of my thoughts and experiences for others to enjoy or to help prepare other moms who may find themselves here someday.

For anyone wondering, "2 under 2" is the term given to parents with 2 children, of different ages, under two years of age. I currently have a 5 week old and a 22 month old. Here are some things I have learned:

1. I may never answer the phone before voicemail picks up again.
2. My day's success is measured simply by how many members of my family were bathed, dressed, and fed.
3. I never really understood multitasking until I managed breastfeeding and entertaining a toddler. I can now breastfeed and diaper a baby doll, breastfeed and put shoes on a dinosaur, breastfeed and "undress" crayons, meaning taking the paper wrapper off of them.

For the record, while this is difficult, it is the most wonderful thing I have ever had the opportunity to do. I feel very blessed to be able to enjoy the crazy moments 2 under 2 affords me. Hopefully, I will find time to chronicle other lessons to savor in the future.